Title VI
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 states that no person in the United States of America shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, or low‐income status be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or subject to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
The law also makes it illegal to retaliate against a person because he or she complained about discrimination, filed a charge of discrimination or participated in a discrimination investigation or lawsuit. Title VI prohibits intentional discrimination as well as disparate impact on protected groups.
Brooke Hancock Jefferson Metropolitan Planning Commission (BHJ MPC) staff are responsible for ensuring that the organization’s programs, policies and services, are developed, conducted and implemented without regard to a person’s race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, low‐income status. Staff must ensure that ethnic minorities and low‐income populations are not adversely impacted and strive to achieve full participation by these groups in BHJ MPC programs, policies and activities.
Complaint Process
Complaints filed must be in regard to a BHJ MPC Transportation Study Committee decision; a planning process currently followed by BHJ MPC; or the current version of a BHJ MPC work product, procurement or document.
Additionally, the procedure proper handling of Title VI complaints shall be:
- Any person(s), or legally authorized representative, claiming to be aggrieved by an alleged discriminatory act or practice may complete and sign a Title VI Complaint form.
- The BHJ MPC Executive Director, acting also as Title VI Coordinator, will review the complaint to determine its applicability to Policy Board decisions, planning process, or work products of BHJ MPC.
- If the complaint is determined applicable, copies of the complaint, will be forwarded to the appropriate State and/or Federal agencies within ten (10) business days. These agencies may include, Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The complainant shall be notified in writing that the complaint is being processed. Complainant notification shall include copies of correspondence with ODOT, FHWA, and/or FTA.
- The BHJ MPC Transportation Study Committee will be notified of the complaint at the next regularly scheduled meeting. During the meeting the BHJ MPC Title VI Coordinator discuss the complaint, facts, and findings with the Policy Board.
- The BHJ MPC staff will provide assistance to ODOT, FHWA, and FTA in resolving the complaint. Every attempt will be made to resolve the complaint at the state level prior to involving federal agencies.
- Within five (5) business days of receiving a response from ODOT, FHWA, or FTA, the complainant will be notified in writing regarding the resolution of the complaint.
- The BHJ MPC Transportation Study Committee will be notified of the complaint resolution at the next regularly scheduled meeting after the response is received.
- FHWA Office of Civil Rights will be the final decision-making agency as it pertains to complaint issues and compliance in all civil rights related areas.
- The complaint procedure and form are located below
Staff Contact
For more information about Title VI or the Title VI complaint process, please contact Title VI Coordinator.
Michael Paprocki
BHJ MPC Title VI / DBE Program Coordinator
740-282-3685 ext. 209